IDM merupakan software untuk d0wnl0ad file, video ataupun lainya yang sangat terkenal di dunia. walapun banyak software sejenis yang gres bermunculan, namun reputasi terpopuler sebagai software d0wnl0ader kelas wahid sulit di kalahkan. semua orang telah mengenal nya, dan software d0wnl0ader yang paling bagus, mereka akan menjawab IDM atau Internet Download Manager. namun kembali ke diri kita masing masing, dikala kita tak pernah mencoba software sejenis lainya. sulit kita bisa untuk percaya apa kata mereka.Internet Download Manager (IDM 6.31 Build 5 Full Version Terbaru) ini merupakan pembaharuan dari IDM versi Sebelumnya. pembaharuan dari setiap Bug atau kesalahan aktivitas terus di lakukan dan di share guna menunjukkan kenyamanan pengguna seiring update terbaru nya juga browser yang ada.Internet d0wnl0ad manager 6.31 Build 5 full version atau dengan kata lain IDM Terbaru ini mampu membuat kecepatan d0wnl0ad jadi lebih ngebut dari pada menggunakan unduhan bawaan browser biasa. Internet Download Manager Memang sering sekali mengupdate software nya, mengupdate ke tingkat IDM versi gres tentu jauh lebih baik.
What’s new in version 6.31 Build 5 Final
(Released: 15 September 2018)
- Improved d0wnl0ad engine
- Fixed problems with video recognition for several types of web sites
- Fixed bugs
- Improved video recognition in web players
- Fixed bugs
- Fixed Critical Bugs
- Added support of Unicode only languages to latest Windows 10
- Fixed compatibility problems with foreign language translations when using “Use Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support” feature of Windows 10
- Fixed bugs
- Fixed a critical bug
- Improved audio/video recognition in web player
- Added support for Firefox 61, 62
- Fixed bugs
- Fixed a critical security bug
- Fixed bugs
- Improved video d0wnl0ading for several types of video streams
- Added support for Firefox 60
- Fixed bugs
- Fixed Bugs
- Improved d0wnl0ad engine
- Improved video recognition in web player
- Fixed bugs
- Improved proxy/socks settings
- Added support for Firefox 59
- Fixed bugs
- Added a new extension for a full-fledged integration with Microsoft Edge browser
- Improved proxy server settings, added a possibility to use system proxy settings
- Improved d0wnl0ad engine
- Fixed bugs
- Improved Firefox integration
- Added support of https proxy servers. It’s possible to make VPN connections via https proxy servers by using proxy.pac files
- Fixed problems with https d0wnl0ading via proxy servers with Digest authentication
- Added support for Firefox 57, 58
- Fixed bugs
- Added compatibility with Windows 10 Preview build 16257
- Fixed bugs
- Improved IDM d0wnl0ad engine
- Fixed problems with video recognition for several types of web sites
- Fixed critical bugs
- Fixed critical bugs
- Fixed bugs in d0wnl0ading several types of video streams
- Fixed problems with video recognition for several types of web sites
- Fixed bugs
- Fixed critical bugs in IDM executable file and in browser integration modules
- Resolved problems with d0wnl0ading videos embedded on 3d party websites
- Fixed bugs
- Fixed critical bugs in browser integration modules
- Fixed dilema with erroneous interceptions of files in Firefox
- Improved IDM d0wnl0ad engine
- Added a feature to the settings of schedulers to go into sleep mode or hibernate when d0wnl0ading is done
- Improved “d0wnl0ad panel” view on high DPI displays
- Fixed problems with Chinese captions on the “Download panel”
- Fixed bugs
- Fixed bugs
- Fixed problems with video recognition for several types of web sites
- Fixed bugs
- Improved IDM d0wnl0ad engine
- A new type of extension for Firefox (webextension) has been created that supports multiprosess Firefox feature (e10s)
- Added support for Firefox 53, 54, 55
Link Download
Cara Penginstallan
1. Extrack File *Zip Yang Telah Anda Download Tadi
2. Lalu Buka [ZettaPedia]idman631build5.exe
3. Enjoyy
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