Kamis, 23 Maret 2017

Terjemahan Lirik Lagu Rivermaya - You'll Be Safe Here

Nobody knows just why we're here
(tak ada yang tau mengapa kita di sini)
Could it be fate or random circumstance
(mungkin saja takdir atau kebetulan)
At the right place, at the right time
(di kawasan dan waktu yang tepat)
Two roads intertwine
(dua jalan bersatu)

And if the universe conspired
(dan kalau alam semesta bersekongkol) 

To meld our lives to make us fuel and fire
(tuk meluluhkan hidup kita sampai terpisah) 

Then know where ever you will be
(dan ketahuilah di manapun kamu berada) 

So too shall I be
(aku kan di sana pula)

Close your eyes
(pejamkan matamu)
Dry your tears
(hapus airmatamu)
'Coz when nothing seems clear
(karena ketika tak ada yang pasti)
You'll be safe here
(kau kan kondusif di sini)

From the sheer weight
(dari beban hampa)
Of your doubts and fears
(dari keraguan dan kecemasanmu)
Weary heart
(hati yang hampa)
You'll be safe here
(kau kan kondusif di sini)

Remember how we laughed until we cried
(ingatkah betapa kita tertawa begitu lepas)
At the most stupid things like we were so high
(pada sesuatu yang terkonyol seakan kita terlena)
But love was all that we were on we belong
(tapi kita terikat cinta, kita saling memiliki)

And though the world would never understand
(dan meski dunia takkan pernah mengerti)
This unlikely union and why it still stands
(pasangan yang tak mungkin ini, dan mengapa masih bersatu)
Someday we will be set free.
(suatu hari kita kan terbebas)
Pray and believe
(berdoa dan percayalah)

When the light disappears
(kala cahaya padam)
And when this world's insincere
(dan ketika dunia tak tulus)
You'll be safe here
(kau kan kondusif di sini)
When nobody hears you scream
(saat tak ada yang mendengar jeritanmu)
I'll scream with you
(ku kan menjerit bersamamu)
You'll be safe here
(kau kan kondusif di sini)

Save your eyes
(bebaskanlah matamu)
From your tears
(dari air matamu)
When everything's unclear
(saat semua meragu)
You'll be safe here
(kau kan kondusif di sini)

From the sheer weight
(dari beban hampa)
Of your doubts and fears
(keraguan dan ketakutanmu)
Wounded heart
(hati terluka)

When the light disappears
(saat cahaya menghilang)
And when this world's insincere
(dan ketika dunia tak tulus)
You'll be safe here
(kau kan kondusif di sini)

When nobody hears you scream
(saat tak ada yang mendengarmu)

I'll scream with you
(ku kan berteriak bersamamu)
You'll be safe here
(kau kan kondusif di sini)
In my arms
(di pelukanku)
Through the long cold night
(melewati malam panjang yang dingin)
Sleep tight
You'll be safe here
(kau kan kondusif di sini)

When no one understands
(saat tiada yang mengerti)
I'll believe
(ku percaya)
You'll be safe,
You'll be safe
You'll be safe here
(kau kan kondusif di sini)

Put your heart in my hands
(tempatkan hatimu dalam genggaman tanganku)
You'll be safe here
(kau kan kondusif di sini)

pencipta lagu : Rivermaya

Sumber http://bathekistik.blogspot.com

