Selasa, 05 September 2017

Soal Bahasa Inggris 1 Kelas V Semester Ii

Soal Bahasa Inggris 1 Kelas V Semester IIAttitude Scale

Task 1 : Read the following text carefully!
(Bacalah teks berikut dengan secama ! )

Write “ T “ if the sentences are true or “ F “ if they false based on the text !
Tulislah “ T ‘ bila benar atau “ F “ bila salah sesuai dengan teks berikut !

I am a Student
My name is Wahyu Kusuma. You can call me Kusuma.
I am a student of elementary school. I am in fifth grade.
My prominent duty is studying hard. I study in Nur Kasih Elementary School.
I always wear my uniform when I am in my school. This is my first lesson. It is English.
My teacher asks me to read a beautiful poem in frontof the class. I am very happy.

1. His name is Wahyu kusuma. […..]
2. Wahyu is a teacher. […..]
3. He studies in Nur Ilmu Elementary School. […..]
4. The picture is Wahyu’s brother. […..]
5. He has Indonesian language in his first lesson. […..]
6. Wahyu doesn’t always wear his uniform to school.[…..]
7. He is very sad now. […..]
8. Wahyu is a lazy boy. […..]
9. Wahyu is studying English in front of the class.[…..]
10.You can call him Kusuma. […..]

Task 2 : Arrange these words into a good sentence !
(Susunlah kata-kata berikut menjadi kalimat yang baik ! )

1. is- she - nurse - a - ?
Answer :…………..

2. mind – you - ? do – I – if - go – farm – to – the

3. We - ? – shall – sleep – at – o’clock – nine
Answer :……..

4. my – housewife – a – mother – is
Answer :………………

5. house - ? – think – do – what – of – you – this
Answer :………………



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