Senin, 25 Juni 2018

Bms: Passive Balancing Of Battery Lithium Polymer Using Shunt Resistor Circuit Method

Passive balancing of battery lithium polymer using shunt resistor circuit method

  • Published Online: 21 July 2016
  • AIP Conference Proceedings 1755, 090011 (2016);

In this study, the system was designed for monitoring the voltage condition of each battery’s cell. The method used in this study is by using passive shunt resistor balancing method. An electronic circuit was designed in order to balance the value of the able voltage at the battery cells using resistors and then to remove the excess voltage. The result showed that the electrical circuit was capable to balance the voltage of each cell. Based on experiment with several values of load, it is can concluded that 0.1C rate of discharge has the best performance, because it does not affect battery voltage characteristic significantly which leads to better sensor reads.

Lihat juga mengenai artikel battery management system lainnya.

