Rabu, 22 November 2017

Drama “Chika” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

THE FIRST GROUP                                                      English Dialogue
Ayi Abdul Basith                                                                 “Chika”
Firman Sandika
Ridwan Nulhakim                                                               XII IPA 1
Yusfitra Rizky

One day in a beautiful and sunny day there were three people who were sitting in the house, they seemed annoyed and bored because no one makes them feel nice.

Ayi                   : “Hey dude! Where are we going now?
Yusfitra            : I don’t know man. I felt bored”
Ridwan            : “So am I, dude”
Ayi                   : “How if we are going to the cinema?
Ridwan            : “That’s a great idea! What do you think of it kiki?
Yusfitra            : I don’t know guys, maybe not. There is no interesting film”
Ayi                   : “Ok , then, what do you think?
Ridwan            : What about hang out to the city park?
Ayi                   : That’s great bro. How about you?"
Yusfitra            : I think it will be great too”
Ridwan            : “So, come on guys. What are you waiting for?
Ayi                   : “Wa-wa-wait! I will call imong, maybe he wants to go with us
Yusfitra            : “Sure, go ahead !”

Blackberry’s ringing

Ayi                   : “Mong where are you?
Firman             : “Here at home. Why?
Ayi                   : “Do you want to go with us (kiki, ridwan and me) to City Park, now?
Firman             : I don’t know man. I’m feeling so gloomy right now
Ayi                   : “Why? Is something bothering you?
Firman             : “Some like that
Ayi                   : “Wait I’ll be there!”
Firman             : “Ok”
Ayi                   : “Guys, I think I will come to imong’s house
Ridwan            : “Why?
Yusfitra            : “Yeah why? What happened with him?
Ayi                   :”He was feeling gloomy. I suggest you to go without me
Yusfitra            : “Alright! Let’s go wan!

Ayi arrived at imong’s house

Ayi                   : (knock knock) “Assalamualaikum!”
Firman             : “Waalaikumsalam, oh you please come in! We’re talking in my room
Ayi                   : “Alright

Arrived at imong’s chamber

Ayi                   : “What’s going on with you?
Firman             : I have a perkara with my girlfriend but she wouldn’t tell me what the problem is
Ayi                   : I think you must talk to her
Firman             : I have try but she still not telling me the problem.  I think it’s my fault
Ayi                   : “Why? Why do you think like that?
Firman             : “Maybe she is angry with me because I’m selfish
Ayi                   : “Dude, I suggest you to change your attitude. Perhaps, you will change better
Firman             : “Yes of course, I tried it for many times but it’s still dull”
Ayi                   : You can mong!
Firman             : “How?
Ayi                   : I think you must make a promise to her that you won’t become selfish again!”
Firman             : “Interesting. Give me a clue man!”
Ayi                   : “You hold her hand and say “Honey, I’m sorry for being selfish. And now I promise for not being selfish anymore” just like that. Easy, isn’t it?
Firman             : “But how if she won’t?
Ayi                   : “She will! Take my advice and you will be success
Firman             :I hope so. Thanks for coming here dude!”
Ayi                   : So cheer up now! You look so ugly like a donkey!”
Firman             : “Haaah? Your face is like an undry cloths!”
Ayi                   : “How dare you donkey face?!”

And then, imong and ayi laugh together until imong forget about his problem. The next day coming. Imong do as what ayi said last day, and he got successfully. His girlfriend isn’t angry with him anymore.
(Ayi’s phone ringing)

Ayi                   : “What’s up?
Firman             : I did it bro. she isn’t angry with me again. Thanks for your advice
Ayi                   : “Yeah, it will”
Firman             : hahahahaha.. I’m so glad now. I invite you, ridwan & yusfitra to hang out with me”
Ayi                   : “Really???”
Firman             : “Of course dude. Please come to my house at 8 p.m”
Ayi                   : “Okey”

Ayi call ridwan and yusfitra tell them about it

Ayi                   : “Dude, I got something”
Ridwan            : “What?”
Ayi                   : “Imong invites us to hang out with him, and he will threat us tonight”
Ridwan            : “Are you serious?”
Ayi                   : “Of course I am. Please tell kiki about it! And come to imong’s house at 8 PM”

Ridwan calling kiki

Ridwan            : “Bro what’s up? Where are you?”
Yusfitra            : “Yo sup.. I’m at music store why?”
Ridwan            : “Imong invites us to hang out with him tonight 8 PM at imongs house. And you know what?”
Yusfitra            : “No, I dont know. And is that really ?”
Ridwan            : “Yeah and he will threat us tonight”
Yusfitra            : “Wow are you serious?”
Ridwan            : “Yeaaaahhhh”
Yusfitra            : “Allright i’ll go with you. Pick me!”
Ridwan            : “Fine. I’ll be there!”

At Imong’s house, Ayi and Firman were waiting kiki and ridwan.

Ayi                   : "Hi bro, feeling better?"
Firman             : "Yeah I feeling better after apologing to her”
Ayi                   : "Thank God, by the way where are we going?"
Firman             : "Oh, let's go to the BIP we will eat, and for you are free"
Ayi                   : “I will enjoy”
Firman             : “Wait a minute. I will call kiki and ridwan to come here quickly”
Ayi                   : “No problem”

At Ridwan’s car, Ridwan is driving the car too fast.

Yusfitra            : “Hey, Ridwan you are driving too fast!”
Ridwan            : “It isn’t necessary. Imong  has been waiting”
Yusfitra            : “Slow down, please!”
Ridwan            : “Relax, I’m a good driver”
Yusfitra            : “Good drivers doesn’t drive his car so fast”
Ridwan            : “Dont talk too much. Don’t worry, we are OK. Btw I got birthday invitation from Chika, she's so cute..”
Yusfitra            : “You must go to her party otherwise other boy will steal her from you. When the party held?”
Ridwan            : “Tomorrow at Starbucks cafe. I think the party will start on 07.00 PM”

Phone’s ringing

Ridwan            : “Just look at the message of Imong”
Yusfitra            : “Yes, he wants us quickly to his house”
Ridwan            : “OK”

At Imong’s house, Imong is feeling bored.

Firman             : I’m feeling bored. I’ll kick his ass after coming”
Ayi                   : “Relax, we have many time tonight. We will use tonight for fun”
Firman             : “Yeah, by the way tomorrow is my girlfriend's birthday”
Ayi                   : “Huh? What present that you will give?”
Firman             : “A doll maybe”
Ayi                   : “No no it's too common. Why don’t you give her a nice outfit with rose flower?”
Firman             : “Ohya? good idea. thank you”

Five minutes later...

Yusfitra            : “I'm sorry for being late”
Ridwan            : “Me too”
Firman             : “Yes, no perkara let’s go!”

They go to Bandung Indah Plaza and imong threat his friend.

Firman             : “Now please choose which foods do you love”
Ridwan            : “Cool! Thank you mong!”
Yusfitra            : “What will you buy wan? I confuse with all this food”
Ayi                   : “So am I”
Firman             : “Rather than confused how if we try a Montreal Style Smoked Meat”
Yusfitra            : “Well it is delicious food in Canada, right?”
Ayi                   : “Yummy lezat yummy”
Yusfitra            : “Super yummy”
Ridwan            : “Smells good when we eaten yet!”
Ayi                   : “By the way, imong where your girlfriend held her birthday party?”
Firman             : “07.00PM At starbuck cafe”
Ridwan            : “Huh? What is the name of your girlfriend?”
Firman             : “Chika!”

Ridwan and  Yusfitra   : “What?????”

Sumber http://consisteria.blogspot.com
