Robust Proportional-Derivative Control on SO(3) for Transporting Quadrotor with Load Uncertainties
IAENG International Journal of Computer Science
- Contents: Volume 45 Issue 2 (Online version available: 28 May 2018)
- ISSN: 1819-9224 (online version); 1819-656X (print version)
- Subject Category: Computer science
- Published by: International Association of Engineers
In this paper, a model of a transporting quadrotor with proportional-derivative (PD) control on Special Orthogonal-3 is presented. Quadrotor is a unique rotary wing UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) with special features such as VTOL (Vertical Take-Offand Landing) and hovering at desired altitude. Those features, make it beneficial for many applications such as military purposes, aerial photography, and transporting missions. Unfortunately, due its underactuated nature, while flying it can not be stabilized just from its mechanical structure. Even further, for transporting missions, it is a challenging dilema to compensate the inertia perturbation due to the uncertainties of the payload and also input saturation. That is the reason why such an electrical control algorithm needs to be introduced here. Numerical simulation and results are presented to verify the effectiveness of the proposed PD control algorithm.
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